Estonia; Coast Guard commissions new hover craft

British company hovercraft manufacturer Griffon Hoverwork has delivered two of its new 995ED hovercraft for Hong Kong and Estonia.

The contract includes the delivery of two eight-meter-long 995EDs made for the Hong Kong Marine Police and one for the Estonian Border Guard. In total seven 995ED hovercraft have been built and sold since the model was unveiled at the ExpoNaval trade fair in Chile in 2018 with clients ranging from the Malaysia Marine Department to private customers.

Commercial hovercraft - 995ED - Griffon Hoverwork - military / passenger /  rescue

The Griffon 995ED is a fully amphibious hovercraft capable of carrying a maximum payload of 995kg, or up to eight persons, at high speeds over a variety of surfaces. The hovercraft can reach a top of 30 knots in fully loaded conditions. The very large and accessible main compartment has outfit options for many different roles such as search & rescue, surveying, passenger ferry or military operations.

Estonia; Coast Guard commissions new hover craft

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